I have no idea why it wasn't there two days ago, or why it's there now, but it is.

Pluggers are lazy - but they're the salt of the earth 80% of America that does the dirty work. What am I missing here?
Also - he's henpecked!
Except she doesn't have a beak...
You know... I have a dog here on the floor, she's lazy, but she's a female of the species. There are guy dogs and girl dogs. Do all these pluggers live together or something?
Today's strip is right on time.

I just got my 8 hours, thank you very much. I went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 8 because somebody was calling. I think I was already awake when the phone rang because normally, I can sleep through everything.
My dad's a plugger. He has a set nap time, and he's "always there for [my sister and me]", but not during nap time!
Again, they're lazy or retired. Hard working people have work to do after lunch, we don't have siestas like they do in some countries, because we're Americans and we work hard.
We're also stupid. Naps are really good for you, I may take one, but I'm doing nothing today because that was a call from the director of the volunteer job and she's not going in, so I can sleep! But I shouldn't, because an hour long nap will keep me up until 2 in the morning.
Since that's the same creature from Sunday, no wonder he hasn't touched his 'honey-do' list - he's sleeping all the time.
And what the heck's a 'honey-do' list anyway? I've only seen it in bad comics.
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