So here's the weekend - two at once, you win!
Yes, it's not 5 AM yet, but the Sunday paper's here. And looking at today's strip, I'm glad we still waste comic space on "Classic Peanuts" 7 days a week. Same with yesterday's. And the whole mess.

Pluggers are only hard-working as kids, big opponents of abortion, and supporters of child labor, judging by their laziness as adults.
We had a lot of fun with our wheelbarrow when my dad planted our 3 trees - he let us sift through the dirt - I found a piece of copper in the willow tree dirt.
So this poor little Plugger is going to be dirtier than 'Pigpen' his whole life - the caption leads one to believe he'll be 'driving a dump truck' as an adult, as well.
Truthfully, this applies to most middle-class suburban or rural families, the ones with money for yard work, but without money for a gardener.

And speaking of the suburbs!
The ... after the ! is puzzling.
But what's not puzzling is the choice of species - this is plainly a show that he treats his little laborer like a father treats a son, teaching him how to ride a bike so the neighbors can see how 'normal' they are.
Or that's bitterness about my own childhood, where we weren't used a child labor or physically abused, but we were not normal, in a bad way, but my dad had us look normal.
One thing that points to the two being connected - how tired the adult is. Since he makes the kid do all the work, he gets no exercise besides using the remote.
And... why doesn't that kid have training wheels? My sister and I had training wheels, and then they came off, and we didn't have our mom or our dad holding us, we fell. A lot. I hate edged yards to this day, because, on the base, those military jerks would edge their yards into bike tire catching machines. Bah.
Plus - I don't want to know why this is a 'classic'. Did it run before? Did he just discover this submission and it's 10 years old? Or did he use the idea for a different picture and is re-using it for this one?
And - who's the personal trainer? The kid for making his dad run? Or the dad for helping his kid?
Gripe about the Sunday strips - They'll Do It Every Time is also run by reader's submissions. Monday through Saturday, it's a one panel comic. But Sunday! On Sunday, there are 4 or 5 panels in the Sunday space, not just one huge one.
That's why TDIET is better than Pluggers.