How sweet.
Take a look at today's.

Finally! The gender matches!
Though the species don't, which is just creeping me out more and more because dogs kill chickens!
And chickens lay eggs, and dogs don't, so this couple ain't procreatin', which means that gay marriage is okay in Pluggerville, because that's one of the asinine arguments against gay marriage. (No kids can come of this union.)
He probably snores, and his eyes are probably shut as well as not changing the channel.
So the husband and wife don't hate each other, but we still have a stereotype - guys won't stick to one channel.
In my house, it is kind of true - Wickett, the littlest dog, is very bold, and will sit on or near your face or chest, often near or on the remote when he sits on Mom. He's changed the channel before.
I fell asleep yesterday while Mom and Beck were watching Judge Judy, and the judge said the mother was an unfit mother and I said, "She beats her kid." That was never mentioned in the show, and I don't know why I said it. If I fall asleep around others and a TV, I say odd things, and they rub it in.
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