Oh, I kill me sometimes.

So, let's see how this matches up to reality. I live in a rural area, so I see vehicles like that, but not 80% of the cars on the road.
I decided it was DogMan driving, because my dog Wickett likes to drive when he goes on a car ride. He stands on mom's lap (if Becky's driving, I've got him on a leash, in the backseat) and puts his front paws on the steering wheel. He doesn't have the strength to honk the horn, though, poor dear.
And Dixie likes to drive, as this picture shows.
Mikey, however, prefers to curl up in a ball and wait for it to be over. But but no one makes Captain Stupid get in there, he jumps in freely.
Back to the uglier dogs.
This strip can actually be used for some socio-political commentary. The average person doesn't care about hybrid vehicles, not because they don't worry about the environment, but because they can't afford to.
I'm in pain, my brain has short-circuited, is he wearing a driving cap?
Now we're back to DogMan. Driving a "hybrid car," no less. My cousin is a DogMan, and he was offended by the strip. He thinks that people will start stereotyping all DogMen as drivers of beat-up jalopies. I can't blame him! I'm still trying to live down the stigma of yesterday's strip, and I've never in my life applied magic marker to a mailbox. I mean, give me a break! I oughtta sue.
Go on Judge Judy - or better yet, Maury, as long as the person you're suing thigs you're the baby daddy.
I'd watch that episode
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