Today's strip opens a lot of questions.
A lot of disturbing questions.
I've decided she's a rabbit - going by the ears.
How can a rabbit - even an anthromorphized own a dog. Dogs kill rabbits!
And aw, "Lots of pluggers everywhere" don't need no fancy machine to shread important papers. But they've got a TV. Which is it pluggers? Are you anti-technology, or only anti-new-technology? Make up your mind!
I have had paper shred by a dog before, but judging by size, Choc was the RabbitLady's size. I left my paperback copy of Harriet the Spy on my cousin's back porch and when I looked around, it was gone.
We have a shredder now, it's so cool.
So I'm not a plugger today.
And like The Comics Curmudgeon says all the time: how can animals own animals? Why couldn't Pluto talk, while Goofy could? They looked like the same type of animal.
Of course, if you've read Wicked, you'd have an answer. There are Animals (and you pronounce the capital letter somehow) and then there are animals. The Cowardly Lion was an Animal. Toto was an animal. Animals are not anthromorphized, but they can talk like humans and could hold jobs like humans before the Wizard's draconian laws fell into place.
But somehow I doubt Wicked plays a part in Mr. Brookins' work. Why does he use anthromorphized animals instead of humans?
The word is "anthropomorphized." Note the "po" in the middle. Think of all them po' folk who read that wretched comic!
My cousin, who is a stupid-looking fat dog guy, along with his wife, a big fat chicken woman, and his eldest kin, a fat rabbit kid who looks more like a kangaroo, agree with my last post. Y'Hear?
Thank you, rhino man. You are quite the plugger.
I'll try to remember, but I'm ot fixing it, so everyone can see my idiocy.
Not fixing it!
Don't blog and take prescription painkillers.
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