If you got that, you're awesome and you know it.
Woah - I'm a plugger, and so is my mom, according to today's strip.

I don't like that.
And cute, real cute, the dog listening to records.
I got a Prince 45 for Christmas this year, and my mom got a Phil Collins LP for a buck at Goodwill - no scratches, big success - as well.
She got the record player the year before - it plays CDs and has an AM/FM radio as well. I wrapped my favorite records individually and stuck the rest in a box. She didn't understand why she was opening her old records until...
But the dogs? They listen, sure, but they can't hold a record. Can you imagine the scratches?
My mom has Japanese LPs and 45s of American/British pop music of the 80s. She has so many great ones... the record player got me hooked on Prince.
But how does this tie into the whole Pluggers thing? My mom's not that old, her mom's still alive. As medical technology improves, we'll get older and older. In 50 years the cartoon will have MP3s and earbuds because our grandkids/kids will have the music sent straight to their brain at birth.
Would suck to have a song stuck in your head then, I imagine...
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