Only logical answer.

I love peanut butter and grape jam sandwiches on wheat bread.
In fact, that was just my late breakfast/early lunch (11 AM). It's a hell of a lot easier than opening a can of tuna and mixing in just the right amount of mayo and relish.
As for the dogs - Mikey had eggs with his dog food this morning. Dixie and Wickett got no such luxury - Mikey's delicate. And ugly.
Anyways, I've never let them lick from the jar, but if I make a sandwich because I'm starving and half-way through the one sandwich, I'm nauseatingly full, I share the largess - but only for peanut butter ones. The others, they just get crusts.
I love giving them bread with a bit of peanut butter on it - the look on their face!
We also use Mikey and Wickett to pre-clean dishes. (Old, crappy dishwasher can't get peanut butter off a knife.) Only bread, rice, and eggs, though they want everything.
Dixie's the worst - that dog begs and begs, she hits you until you give her a sliver of whatever. 9 times out of 10, she rolls it around and spits it right out and one of the mini-goats picks it up.
I'd never let them lick the peanut butter jar - Wickett has a very furry muzzle and it's bad enough when he drinks water.
I'm glad it's not a dogman owning a dog. Unless that's his kid and he only gives his kid the last serving of peanut butter...?
1 comment:
That dog does not look very happy...
In fact, he looks more like Bearman forced that onto his face and is slowly suffocating him in peanut butter.
Seriously, that is not a happy looking dog.
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