But that matters not, because if I don't look at this strip, someone else will. And I don't want to be responsible for that.
(Ah man, it can't be April fourth two thousand seven already, can it? I was just getting used to 2004.)
Today's has me all confused!

Because this smiling mutt

killed not one, not three, but two chickens at my aunt's farm last summer. And our cocker spaniel who died a year and a half ago regularly killed the birds that came in our backyard. Dixie's shown no interest, but she does kill palmetto bugs all the time - if he shows a buglady living with dogman, chaos!
The senior plugger's using a cell phone that flips open. Does that cause confusion?
Yes, because most of the time these people are so scared of technology, you'd think a senior one would be worse!
And finally, does this apply to me or anyone else?
It did, but I am one sick puppy. I only have one doctor in the phonebook of my cell phone right now.
So... maybe I am a plugger?
What do you get when you cross a dog with a chicken? I mean, besides a shitty comic strip. But seriously, folks, just last week they had this fat chicken lady carrying a dog into a veterinary clinic to be neutered. The dog could only lie there in fat-chicken-lady's arms with a terrified expression on his face. I mean, the dog was human enough to read the sign on the door and to express emotions, but not as human as today's fully clothed fat dog-husband with the cell phone. Presumably, this "Pluggers" strip has a big enough readership to sustain its syndication, so it must be considered "successful." I really should just quit reading comics (and if I had a life, I would do just that!).
Kaitlyn: You asked how we posters found you. I found you via a link on This Week in Milford, which chronicles the comic strip Gil Thorp. Your blog is amusing, so please keep up the good work, it's appreciated.
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