This Plugger is an anthromorphized bear, but then again, all the characters are anthromorphized animals. It's a little creepy at times, as 80% of the American population is not anthromorphized animals, at least they weren't last time time I checked.
So bearman is doing his spring cleaning outside. Judging by what I saw outside yesterday, the first Saturday of spring-like weather, this involves yard work. The first day of spring was less than 2 weeks ago, and everyone's yards have shot up a foot, ours included.
But that's not what bearman is doing.
His spring cleaning involves cleaning out the bed of an old truck. Some identifiable things: A bottle marked 'OIL', a bottle marked 'H2O', a red can of 'Cola', 2 McDonalds type cups with straw - one with the golden arches, a pizza box that says HOT! (PIZZA) YUM!, and oh man, is that one of those styrofoam McDonalds' hamburger holders?
That's how long it takes a plugger to do 'spring cleaning'? More than 15 years? And I understand the bottles and hamburger wrappers, but not the pizza box. Pizza is not something you eat while driving, especially not a large pizza. Why would it go in the back?
So that doesn't match my reality, does it match yours?
The longest we've kept trash in the truck bed is a couple days - a Pepsi bottle, usually. When I see it, I grab it and put it in the trashcan. I don't wait until 'spring cleaning' time.
I think most Pluggers strips are based on phrases used by the other(elite) 20% of the population and what it means to a hard-working American.
'Spring cleaning' to most people means opening the windows, putting away all the winter things, getting out the summer stuff indoors. And outdoors, it means mowing the yard, planting tulips so stray dogs and cats can knock them over, and trying to stop fleas before they start by keeping the grass short and soaked in poison. (And fertilizer, you want it to grow more?

But not for pluggers. They spend all summer, fall, and winter throwing fast food junk in the back of their truck, so much that the trashcan is overflowing.
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