I've decided to save each Plugger to my desktop, then upload it to blogger and then put a link to Pluggerville.com under it each day. Why? I can't find a permanent archive that includes the Sundays. If you can, tell me so I won't get in trouble!
But that means I have to look at them, and I'm kinda lazy, and you suck.
All right, onto today's.

Okay, um, sometimes that is true for me. But I'm 18 and have so severe abdominal pains my doctor wrote on a note explaining why I wasn't in school (University wanted to know why I took a year off after graduating from high school - "to sleep in and watch HGTV, dude!" was not an acceptable answer) that the pain and pain medication made school and work impossible.
At least right now, I will be better by the time school starts, I have to be!
But I'm not 80% of the population. I think the papers that carry Pluggers do so out of fear of an old-people rebellion. Because most of the panels are about old people. (For right now, old people does not mean "everyone older than me".)
Who do you know besides the sick, very fat, or elderly that doesn't want to pick something up?
We're not 80% of the population, and if you can't pick something up, you're not a hard working industrialist. My Uncle Floyd is. He works in a welding type plant thing, for Reinke, which is the biggest employer in what should be 'plugger' country - rural Nebraska. Yes, there are non-rural parts. I bought two Mads in Kearney, which has a college. I thought of going there, but Memphis means instate tuition, which saves me money. (The other main employer - taking care of those who came back to die or never left - my Aunt Jenny works in nursing homes.)
This was sent in by someone in Iowa. That's right next to Nebraska, to the east! It's still in the Corn Belt! They must use Reinke. But it was sent in by someone from Cedar Rapids, which is the second largest city in the state. So it's not about farming and welding, but city living. But it's a city in the heart of America, so that makes it okay.
So, I am a plugger today.
You're not if you're able-bodied, you able-bodied snob, always walking around without pain pills or a cane, you make me sick. Not literally, that hasn't happened since the Saturday before Christmas. But my dog did just throw up! For shame.

There are times when I'm too lazy to want to pick something up. Does that make me a plugger?
Damn straight!
I'm a plugger today - today is my poop day, I have to pick up dog poop. Well, I rode my bike to the library - 3.4 miles - and I ain't picking up dog poop. I'll do it Thursday.
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