We still do it to Wickett, the smallest of our 3 dogs. But he's barely a newborn baby's size. That kids looks like it belongs in an industrial size sink, or, I don't know, a bathtub.
But that's not what's so confusing about today's strip.

Is that his mother bathing him or a babysitter? Is she a fox or a rabbit? If she's a rabbit, isn't she in danger? I think bears are omnivores, eating fish and berries and picnic lunches, but you'd think a rabbit would still be in danger. Of course, she's one huge rabbit and she's still way bigger than the average fox. I have no idea what species that woman is! Her ears say rabbit, so I say rabbit.
If it's his mother, ooh! progressive. Interspecies dating or adoption.
Or there's a third, more sinister option - she has a pet bear, and pluggers are now pets.
And I just don't get it. Your average kitchen sink does not have whirlpool jets and is nowhere near as comfortable as your average hot tub.
And what, do they not have enough hot water to fill their tub?
Oh, she can't be the babysitter... since when do they bathe their charges?
I am quite confuzzled.
She appears to be using dish soap on a baby (look at her paw).
Oh well, at least the baby appears to be enjoying himself.
It could be dish soap, that ties into the sadism that underlies all these comics.
However, from what I've seen in commercials, baby soap can look like that.
But I'll go with dish soap.
If he's being washed with dish soap, why not just hop in the dishwasher?
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