Here we go.

One - why would skinny dogman ask this question? Did she call and say her ice maker was broken?
Two - her young are in there, dogman!!! Run for it!!!
This is a blog devoted to the comic strip "Pluggers", about the "80 percent of humanity who unceremoniously keep plugging along -- balancing work, play and family life." This strip is also described as "America’s first interactive, reader-participation comic." That sounds like most of us, right? And our fellow Americans are sending in the ideas. So let's see how it matches up with reality, shall we?
The way Chicken Woman is draw today makes her look structurally impossible (even for a furry).
I'm also concerned by her disturbing lack of a ceiling.
It's in her deep, deep basement, and he's going to be chopped into egg-sized bits and put in her jewelry box.
It would make a good horror movie.
I'd watch it with my mom - she loves chickens. Not enough to get one, or move outside city limits to get one, but enough to decorate the kitchen and living room with chickens - over one hundred at one count.
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