Here's today's panel.

Finally! Some cohabitation that's right!
They have the same nose.
Now what kind of disagreement ends in "Yes, dear"?
"I'm leaving your stupid ass for a Kennedy"?
"You're fat and ugly - take out the trash"?
"Lose some weight, you lard-ass"?
None of my parents' fights ever end that way - trust me, 7 years after the divorce, they still fight. The last one was at her lawyer's office, and he got every word in. Her lawyer kicked her when she tried to talk.
Before the divorce, it ended when the girls scurried upstairs in fear. Or, one after one pleasant dinner fight the summer before the divorce, we didn't have to eat our green beans.
Though now my dad is like the guy in the picture, except he lost all his fat because he's diabetic now. He looks like hell. He called and got pissy with me about paying half of my medical bills ("You're 18, you're an adult *click" ::throw phone down:: Then he left a message saying he'd pay the bills, he just can't read them, all milquetoast-like.)
Back to the cartoon.
It does fit the 'hard-working' aspect - you don't want to piss off your boss, union or no union.
It was sent in by a woman, yet the Plugger's a man in this one. Was it sent in by a wife who always wins arguments? Or sent in by one who always loses, then calls her divorce lawyer?
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
I know it's nigh impossible to tell, but after having seen quite a few of these crappy "comics", I'd be willing to bet that today's abomination features a dog-couple, and not a bear-couple, not that it matters. Mrs. Dog is sporting a wig which seems to be modelled after Joan Rivers's hairdo in the 1980s.
But the husband's ears look nothing like dog ears, at least to me. They look like teddy bear ears.
Today's had two obvious species - the furry guy had long, doggy ears. And well, the other one... :P
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