Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday October 27th

The comic:

That's depressing.

Like mondo depressing.

Do these people not have a kitchen counter? (Where I used to keep my mini pharmacy)

Or a closet? (Where it is when I'm at home) A cupboard? A drawer?

My dad is the only guy I can think of that has medicine at the dinner table - in a little shot glass so he can take his meds with his meal.

Who has centerpieces anymore? Maybe on big meal days, but they take up valuable real estate that would be better occupied by food.

I don't know what this is about - Pluggers are old. I stayed up til midnight for this? (Actually, I stayed up til midnight because I slept all day. But still.)


Tintin said...

We keep our medicine where most people put their cereal, and then all our cereal sits on the top of the fridge. It's a lot less tacky a system than leaving your meds out where everyone can see exactly what you're taking for your osteoporosis or whatever.

Pluggers are just big tackyfaces, that's what it is. It seems like a total lonely!old-person thing to do--if you leave your meds out and the kids come over, you don't have to wait until the annual Christmas card to update them (in nauseating detail) about your various ailments.

...My word verification is Diaditiv, which sounds like something a Plugger might have to take.

Anonymous said...

I'm dumb -- I thought that was supposed to be a little sand castle in the middle of the table, which didn't really make much sense, but, you know, Pluggers are always doing stange things so why not a little sand castle in the middle of the table? Why not, indeed.

Sigma said...

Going through the archives because I am up late/early, and I see that this is territory already covered.

Damn it, Pluggers.

Kaitlyn said...

Sigma - big surprise.

Pluggers are unoriginal.


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.