Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday the 21st

What a waste of color and space.

As big a waste as Mallard Fillmore?

Bigger, because somebody else writes about that duck.

Anyway, I'm done until tomorrow!

Some people argue that you shouldn't look at Sunday comics until Sunday proper - it's almost one, but it's still Saturday night. However, I'm not looking forward to this comic.

Wow! This is a massive waste of ink and space, but wow! It fits the definition - a blue collar American, doing an honest day's work, taking his lunch to work with him, lunch his wife/mother makes for him, it's why he got married/hasn't left home.

Or he's so depressed about his dead-end job (So many assembly line parts, day after day) and it's full of beer, not food.

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The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.