And I really didn't look at it.
But maybe I'd get more comments if I did look at it every day.
Yesterday's -

I have one fancy dress and one pair of fancy shoes. I wore them to this classical music thing in Portland last spring and to my graduation last May.
However, the shoes and dress are comfortable, fit me, and look good.
So, like many people who are comfortable in non-formal wear, I only have one fancy, dressy er, dress.
But in 4 years, when I'll be looking for a real job, I will branch out into work clothes.
As for today's Plugger, this actually fits into the comic's description. These are hard working people who have blue collar jobs.
You don't wear suits to blue collar jobs.
However, you'd think they make enough to buy a comfortable one when the occasion arises.
That jacket looks like a hand-me-down from someone shorter than him. It's the only part that doesn't fit, which doesn't make sense. The description makes you think he gains weight between suit days, but the picture doesn't match that. The shirt and pants seem to fit his Plugger physique, but not the jacket.
I've never heard of arms getting longer and fatter independent of the rest of the body, but this is a Plugger.
Plus - he's a guy! He doesn't have to button his suit jacket! Unless he's a defense attorney in court on Law and Order - next time you watch an episode of L & O or SVU, with a trial, watch the defense lawyer.
Today's -

I don't have bifocals, I'm merely nearsighted.
And I don't have to shave my face, but if I did, I'd have to wear my glasses. You ever try on new frames when you need new lenses? Those frames are either empty or have plain glass. So how can you tell if they look good? You just guess. I did well last time, I like this pair.
So everyone with poor vision is a Plugger today. I urge you to not get the surgery for this reason - we can tough this out.
Or this just means Pluggers won't wear contacts, if they make bifocal contacts. I won't wear contacts. The devil's lens, I call 'em! (I'm chicken and I really like my glasses.)
I think your "Pluggers have blue collar jobs and don't wear suits" interpretation, but I think, at its heart, this is a "Pluggers are fat!" joke.
Yeah, but the drawing doesn't quite fit. Yeah, he's fat, but that's not why the suit doesn't fit, according to the drawing.
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