Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm watching "Millionaire Trailer Parks" on the Travel Channel

Will that affect how I view today's comic?

Haven't seen it yet, so who knows.

Well yes, because people that live in these trailers buy makeup and go to steam things and get real facials.

But so do most people.

Okay, lady pluggers want facials, but can't afford them because they have to iron all day and night to make enough money to pay for the water in the iron. Isn't there more to a facial than steam - like goop? And she has fur, wet fur stinks. She's crazy.


What's actually wrong with this comic - she's wearing glasses! No, you do not wear glasses around steam. I've learned that by opening the dishwasher as soon as it's done. "I can't see!"

She's crazier than most of them.

That shirt was on a body when she started.

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The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.