Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday the 18th

The comic:

This is in the top ten? I'd hate to see the bottom ten.

And Brookins, ya genius, you'll be at number 1 the 27th - 4 days before you can begin the collection for 2008.

So this means we'll be seeing some repeats.

This one looks familiar, but I can't be sure if I wrote about it or not. If it was published before April first, I didn't cover it.

So, the comic - what is the most heard phrase when non-Pluggers eat out?

Something cool about the drawing and caption - Kevin isn't saying the most heard phrase!

Also, Brookins needs to look at a car and a drive-thru. No sign is that small, and since he's already at the menu with the speaker, he doesn't need to be told which way the drive-thru is. He's already there!

Okay, so non-Pluggers eat at fast food places and use the drive-thrus as well. However, we also eat elsewhere. You can relax.

So (not) looking forward to number 9! See ya in the funny pages!

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The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.