Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday the 16th

I'm watching a show about the Black Plague on the History Channel.

Would Pluggers ban gambling in an attempt to stop the spread? Or would they kill the Jews? I doubt they'd be kicking the prostitutes out of town.

I can't wait to make some connection between the plague and today's comic. Besides the fact that they'd be dead - they'd never wear anything as newfangled as a flea collar.

Ha! Not since August 27th has my life imitated this 'art'. Today's comic was made and sent in before I knew about this show. However, the first one was more of art imitating life (mine and every other students), since it was at the end of August - right around the start of the school year.

But still - today is weird! If I hadn't fallen asleep while watching the 7pm showing, I wouldn't be watching it when today's comic came online.


Onto the comic -

That's not germ warfare! Germ warfare is offensive, a band-aid is defensive! I suppose the term could be used to describe a band-aid or latex gloves. I don't know - is the band-aid attacking germs? Doesn't it just try to keep them out?

Whether or not germ warfare is offensive or defensive, this is just weird.

"Germ warfare"? Really? This is supposed to be a plugged-up common phrase, one with a different definition than what is in the elitist, white-collar dictionary.

Are they saying that non-Pluggers engage in real germ warfare? Or do we take bigger precautions before we get injured or sick? What?

Of course, the warfare could refer (and probably does) to the fight over the band-aid design.

If so, way to blow something meaningless out of proportion, Kirby Sides of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida!

So the fight is over whether or not the Plugger will get a shot or have blood drawn. I don't recall ever being bribed with a band-aid, though I can see how it might work - if you're EIGHT!

The weird cherry on top - That Plugger is old, at least older than the nurse! And he has to be bribed to ...what? Sit still?

Not to mention the wrongness of giving a shot to or taking blood from a dog's front leg.

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The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.