And I've noticed that when I get up, especially this month, I get sick to my stomach.
I have to believe that it is related to looking at this foul comic. Especially since the last thing I watched before looking at it is The Daily Show and Colbert Report, which makes this look worse and worse, or in today's case, Pirates 3. (Keith Richards was awesome.)
Onto the tripe, huh?
Yesterday -

That never gets old!
It's also quite disgusting, since the main reason our house needs vacuuming is because of the other vacuum cleaners. And they're not dependable. I spilled a little ketchup on the kitchen floor and asked Dixie to get it. That loonie tune sniffed it and then rolled in it!
Though Wickett is a vacuum cleaner from time to time. When I eat on the floor, there is no begging. However, as soon as I'm done, Wickett's there, looking for anything, because he's never fed. He also eats the hair that Dixie sheds.
Bu yes, how amazingly original "lots of pluggers" are.
Today's isn't much better.

The kids in the back seat that looks about 50 feet away from the front seat know the driver's not buckled up?
And what is a seat belt warning system? One of my friends has a car that beeps every few minutes if she doesn't buckle up, is that what they mean?
I always thought cars shouldn't start if the seat belt's not buckled, but they're not quite there yet.
It's also fun to fool the sensor in the front passenger seat - my backpack made the light blink once, so from time to time, I balance on a hand on the door and the middle cup hold thingie, just to see the light go off.
Of course, I always wear a seat belt, I do not encourage law breaking unless my stomach hurts.
1 comment:
That Plugger family appears to be stranded in the middle of the desert. They don't even seem to be on a road!
Also, I'm confused as to how that bear-child can be the son of a bunny-thing. BIOLOGY DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.
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