Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday January 13th

The comic:

I remember this, I really do.

I'm just not detailed enough to put 'retired' in the tags, choosing the more common 'old'.

Well, we had that gas prices one where the prices were eerily accurate (if it was written a month ago, I guess), and now, the economy!

Except Pluggers have always been broke.

All I can think (not that I'm in dire financial straits right now due to my financial aid and scholarship refund for this semester, but I always worry about my mom), is you're worried about tires and puns, fucker? And you can afford them next month?

1 comment:

Polsy said...

Oh, huh, I'd always assumed the 'classic' Pluggers were at least 5 years old. Or something.

Also my first thought on seeing this was 'what?'. I'm not sufficiently used to seeing tyre without a y to immediately catch puns like that.


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.