Monday, September 15, 2008

Tuesday September 16th

The comic:

This is close to the definition of a Plugger - rural, presumably blue-collar.

Though I must say, when I first saw this, and I only see the top maybe two-thirds, I thought we'd see our first Plugger car wreck. Imagine my disappointment.


Bryce Baker said...

when the strip is a car-wreck on a daily basis, it doesn't matter if they actually draw one

Sigma said...

Pluggers live in mountains like the luddite recluses they are.

But really, this seems odlly specific for Pluggers being "80 percent of humanity." I guess there are absolutely no Pluggers here in the Great Plains.

Well, there are the fair share of hilly areas, but the point still stands that this is strangely specific. There'd have to be an awful lot of grouping, and the thought of so many Pluggers in one place perplexes, frightens, and nauseates me all at the same time.

Kaitlyn said...

Sometimes they're in the south, sigma.

I'm in the south. Eek.

Sigma said...

Yeah, I made that comment rather sleepily, so the logic portions of my brain were reeling a bit due to that. The only place I could think of you would need that was in mountainous areas.

Still, the concept of Pluggers all congregating entirely in the Rockies and Appalachians in greatly extended colonies is still a disturbing concept. That many Pluggers per acre, brrrr.


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.