Friday, September 12, 2008

I have a follower!

I feel special.

You should follow this blog, you won't regret it.

Plus, if I get stressed out by school and start posting sporadically, you'll know when I start again.

I mean, do you really want to risk missing such valuable insights as "Pluggers are stupid"? I think not.

So follow this blog today!


Tintin said...

How does one go about following your blog? I read it every day--just not in such a way that's particularly noticeable.

Kaitlyn said...

Blogger has this new feature that lets you follow a blog, and the followers can be displayed on the blog.

I got my first follower before I put the follow feature on my blog.

It's on the left side, under the links under "Plugger Haters."

I'm glad yet another person reads this thing. And I appreciate the comment, any comment is great.

Also, I'm sure there's some sort of RSS type thing, but I don't know anything about that.


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.