Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday November 14th

The comic:

He has a folder! And coupons! Good for RhinoMan! He's doing so well I can't be mean.


Anonymous said...

But what that's picture hanging on the wall behind him? I don't like it -- bad vides.

Anonymous said...

Is RhinoMan a senior citizen? Or does he just pretend to be one so he can get the "close to death" breakfast platter?

Maybe he's pretending to be an old guy who actually died and is now living off of his pension checks and awesome coupons.

Maybe I have already thought about this too much...

Kaitlyn said...

I know Array. He's always seemed the saddest, in addition to the least smug.

Though being a likable Plugger isn't exactly the best thing in the world...

This is still stupid, and if the cartoon featured some other creature, I'd have been meaner. But I love my RhinoMan. He can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

I really like his v-neck sweater and shirt combo--looks vaguely dress casual (and therefore un-plugger-like).

No flannel shirts for RhinoMan!


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.