
Oh man, there is so much here.
The TV for one - what are those boxes under the screen? We got a new tv this year, and our old one was from the '80s. It didn't have anything like that. And neither does the other old one we still have.
The TV guide. I used to read the newspaper's TV guide, before I discovered And I've only read the official TV Guide magazine while in a doctor's office.
Not to mention, we got digital cable for our new TV (Hey, we can turn it off with a remote! The future rocks!) and can now access a guide on the TV itself. The regular cable had the same thing, only it rarely worked.
Though I guess a Plugger wouldn't necessarily have cable or an internet connection. Or even a computer.
But why pay for a TV guide for your ten channels, max? (We had 7.)
Though a Plugger would read the paper, so it could be theirs.
Onto the meat of the comic - I'm surprised he even has glasses in the first place. They're not cheap, you know. But you kinda need 'em. Especially if you drive.
I'm lucky, I think, because I'd only need the magnifying glass. No bifocals for me! (Yet.) I happen to love my glasses, or at least being able to see clearly. When they're off & and I try to concentrate on something far away, it hurts.
No wonder Pluggers are crazy. He's probably had the same prescription since the Ford administration. "Why is the world getting so blurry?"
And large print sucks, outside of children's picture books.
Calling the TV a tube isn't surprising, as I'm sure his TV still uses the big one. (God, I know nothing about TVs, except the new ones have flat backs and the older ones don't.)
One more thing - why is he looking to see what's on tonight? It's called planning ahead. Hey, I like to watch TV. I get a weekly guide telling me what is on every night. But I won't look ahead, that would be cheating. (That is one thing I miss about the paper's tv guide - seeing everything in weekly form, not just 3 hour chunks. Of course, you can always click on the channel to see what's up for the week or the show to see what other times it airs.)
I leave you on a
high note. This song rules, though I have no idea what it's about. I discovered it by accident, and every time I listen to it, it makes me happy.