I shouldn't do these after an hour of old, old, oooooold Twilight Zone and old-ish X-files right now - more than a decade old!
Sunday's made less sense than usual, until I saw today's.
And now I get it, while ignoring the news and only flipping to games during commercials of CSI and Law and Order.

By itself, this says that if you have no grandchildren, you've never achieved a thing, and you can't achieve a thing until you're an old fart.
The choice of words? Whatever, just another way to say that Pluggers are old as hell and love their old comics and they're the reason BC is continuing with "new" comics.
Until today. (I feel like a CSI or detective, I am so cool.)

Cal Ripken, Jr.
How the hell is he a Plugger?
I don't get it.
They're supposed to be anonymous, everyday people/animals, nobody you'd know or claim to know unless you were related to them.
Not a world-famous baseball player!
What, because he played so many games, he "plugged along"?
How dare they besmirch baseball.
Steroids, I can take.
But this?
Say it ain't so.
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