Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14th

Time to panic - instead of luxurious hours between classes, I now have 15 minutes. Nevermind that it won't take longer than 15 minutes, when will I nap????

Priorities, people.

The comic - not my top priority, but hey.

Another Tennessee Plugger! Way to make us look stupid, Rebecca Clutts.

Clutts? Really?

The address has switched back to Virginia after a day. Hmm.

Yeah, Pluggers are major philistines, big shocker there. Maybe if they shopped somewhere other than Wal-Mart.

I thought it said placenta... I'm hopeless.

Also - what is wrong with her arm? It's wider than her head!


Matt Ramone said...

I like that she looks not so much shocked as just utterly pissed off that somone deigned give her a recipe with foreign ingredients.

Kaitlyn said...

And she didn't look at the recipe BEFORE coming to the store?

They just handed them out at the store, and, sheep-like, all Pluggers decided they had to make it?

Matt Ramone said...

who knew they wouldn't have orzo at Sam's Club?

Plus, I'm guessing if she knew tahini was Lebanese, her Red State Brown People Alarm would be going off like whoa.


The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.