Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday the 18th

New Simpsons!

If football behaves...

The comic:

I prefer Elzar.

Frozen pizza needs something more than an oven or microwave? And what's in those cans?

Skittles belong in beer, not on pizza.

Grammy? Who says that? Linda Sauder's imaginary grandkids, obviously.

Finally, what kid - who says Grammy - watches cooking shows? Bender I can believe, but Pluggers?

Later thought - and I do think! - since some comics are already celebrating Thanksgiving, let's assume that their Turkey Day dinner consists of frozen pizza and skittles. That's just awesome, as long as the skittle are sour.

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The comic is reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with the creator, Gary Brookins.